Modified on Tue, 21 Feb 2017 15:16 by Biswajit Dash — Categorized as: wiki only

Content Authoring & Licensing

Can I publish papers in this portal?

Yes, the portal is open for publishing papers written by professionals. Before getting published, the content will undergo a review process for quality and correctness.

Do I own the copyright of the contents published?

What are the benefits of publishing papers in this portal?

Any paper published in Tech-WhitePrints portal serves as an online reference point demonstrating author's understanding of a certain subject or topic.


What "tagging conventions" are followed for categorising papers?

classical architectureThe papers based on more traditional and proven architecture like - non-cloud/on-premise, traditional UI, batch systems, etc., are categorised as classical architecture.
modern architectureThe papers based on cutting-edge architecture like - cloud, fluid UI, data analytics, web scale systems, etc., are categorised as modern architecture.
blue-print, white-printThe papers that provide architectural sketches and know-how for implementing certain software system.
et cetera, etcAny short paper that covers a random, but good to know subject.