Scalable Web - Architecture Essentials

Modified on Sun, 26 Feb 2017 17:34 by Biswajit Dash — Categorized as: blueprint, classical architecture, web architecture, whiteprint

Problem Statement

What are the essential attributes of a scalable web system, and how to design such a system?

Solution Abstract

What? What? How?

What is a scalable web application? The basic function of a web server (web-site or web-application) is to serve static content like HTML, JS, CSS, etc., over HTTP/HTTPS channel, using a Request-Response model of communication. For any real-life web there will be added complexity on server-side like - complex logic execution, database access, application security etc. Along with these a scalable system needs to be - responsive, capable of processing large number of requests, and be able to scale to meet ever increasing load.

What are the key challenges? The key concerns being :-
How to solve the challenges? The architecture and design need to :-

The Inner-workings

For a system to be scalable, specialized implementation considerations are needed in - logical architecture and deployment architecture. While the logical construct remains same, there can be two key variants of the architectural structure -

Architectural Flow


Standard Web System

In a standard web system contents are served to the web-browser from the same domain. Static resources like - css, javascript, images, etc., may be served from different domains/sub-domains over HTTP GET (occasionally using AJAX JSONP calls). Note: JSONP is a security vulnerability, and not preferred.

Logical Architecture


Deployment Topology


x-domain Web System

In a x-domain web system contents are served to the web-browser from multiple domain/sub-domains, over HTTP GET/POST/PUT/DELETE. This is specifically used in systems serving web-APIs and/or aggregated content. The architectural construct remains same as a standard web system, with the addition of reverse proxy.

Logical Architecture


Deployment Topology


Implementation Matrix

The below matrix depicts the implementation essentials and the problems they solve.



RESTful APIRepresentational State Transition API. A web based simplified API working over HTTP QueryString parameters.
Static ContentThe contents that do not change and are retrieved from direct file-system reads, like - html, text, script, image files.
XHRXML Http Request. A built-in communication object available in browser over which all HTTP communication occurs.
Load DetectorA pass-through component which monitors the incoming requests and detects high-loads based on pre-defined thresholds. This is an optional module built into the web system.
EndpointThe address or URL through which communication occurs.
Message QueueA store-forward asynchronous system which can accept requests, persist it and later forward to the target system for processing.


Paper Code: TWP_1002.11, Version: 1.1, Author: Biswajit Dash, License: CC-BY-ND, Published: Sep-2016