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SOHO IT Landscape - Architecture Essentials

Modified on Mon, 24 Apr 2017 00:14 by Biswajit Dash Categorized as blueprint, classical architecture, network architecture, real-world, whiteprint

Problem Statement

What are the essential components of a SOHO (Small Office Home Office) IT environment? How does a SOHO Network Architecture look like?

Solution Abstract

What is SOHO?

A SOHO or Small Office Home Office is normally a small organisation of 25 or less users. For designing the IT (Information Technology) architecture for a SOHO, this whiteprint further categorises it into -
  • HO or Home Office environment with a user-base of 10 or less, needing only basic IT infrastructure;
  • SO or Small Office environment with a user-base of up to 25, needing reasonably complex IT infrastructure.

The Inner-workings

Feature Matrix

The below feature-matrix depicts the IT features expected by Home Office and Small Office respectively.

  (High Resolution Image)

Network Sketch - Home Office


Network Sketch - Small Office



SOHOSmall Office Home Office
WANWide Area Network
LANLocal Area Network
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.
FTPFile Transfer Protocol. A reliable and flexible TCP/IP protocol for transferring files between systems.
Dial-in / PPPA telephone based network where Client can dial-in into a Host and get connected to authorized network. This uses PPP (Point-to-Point-Protocol) for communication.
RASRemote Access Server. A server that accepts dial-in requests from Clients over a Telephone-and-MODEM and provides access to network.
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The TCP/IP protocol to assign IP addresses to clients dynamically, based on pre-configured rules.
DNSDomain Name Service. The TCP/IP protocol for name resolution of IP addresses.
HOSTS FileA special TEXT file containing entries for IP-to-Name mapping. This is used by the system to resolve human readable names into IP addresses.
Gateway / ProxyA specialized server that proxies access to Internet and enables access control.
CAT-5Category 5. The cable for connecting "Ethernet Nodes" in a network.
WiFiWireless networking, where "Ethernet Nodes" can connect over a wireless network. This is an alternate to CAT-5 based wired network for less heavy usage.
RouterA device that routes TCP packets between different IP networks. This is used to connect one network with another.
USBUniversal Serial Bus.
ISPInternet Service Provider.
Micro SiteA dedicated set of pages in a larger website, containing focused and targeted content. This is mostly used for marketing campaigns and similar.

Paper Code: TWP_1005.10, Version: 1.0, Author: Biswajit Dash, License: CC-BY-ND, Published: Feb-2017

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